Things To Know Regarding Using CBD When Pregnant Or Breastfeeding

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CBD In Pregnancy

There exists research-backed evidence that using cannabis when breastfeeding and in pregnancy is potentially dangerous for health. When it comes to breastfeeding, research suggests that tetrahydrocannabinol transferring to milk might just harm the growth of the infant. Besides, marijuana is likely to hurt the uterine blood circulation of a pregnant woman. Do the above findings also apply to a full spectrum CBD product derived from hemp? For starters, it is different from both cannabis and marijuana. The difference is that it only has up to 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol, so it is non-psychoactive. Now, what do the distinctions mean for both breastfeeding and pregnant women? Keep reading to know what the experts have discovered.

Limited Research Notwithstanding, Positive Anecdotal Evidence Exists

There is not enough research to prove that utilizing full-spectrum CBD in the pregnancy period is safe. Anyhow, some users have said that CBD has helped them to deal with some pregnancy-related symptoms. For one, nausea is a potentially debilitating symptom for some pregnant women. A serious form of pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting is hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition is so serious that the victim might just be dehydrated, or she might find it difficult to keep a healthy body weight. Cannabidiol can lessen both nausea and vomiting, so she might have some relief by using it.

Most pregnant women have some sleep problems, and insomnia is the most serious issue out of all these. So, having enough rest is vital to their mental health. Cannabidiol is shown to improve sleep, so those women are likely to rely on it for this purpose. Besides, some pregnant women have a form of anxiety disorder in the postpartum phase. There is a need for more studies on this, but preliminary animal research has discovered that cannabidiol might be efficacious in easing anxiety symptoms.

Talk To A Doctor Before Using It

The website named ‘What to Expect’ notes that determining whether it is fine to use CBD when breastfeeding or pregnant is tough. This is due to a lack of research. Whatever research there is, has mainly paid attention to the effects of marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinol on not just fetal growth but also infant growth when breastfeeding. Even so, several mothers have utilized cannabidiol. There is no better way to find out whether it is best for you than to talk to a medical professional. If you two decide that cannabidiol is the best bet for postpartum symptoms or pregnancy symptoms, then the professional could help to determine the right dose of it for you. See a list of the pros and cons of CBD cream here.