Differences Between CBD Hemp Extract And Hemp Seed Oil

CBD For Bacterial Infections
CBD For Bacterial Infections
Use CBD Hemp Extract
Use CBD Hemp Extract

Many people still don’t understand the differences between CBD hemp extract and hemp plant products like hemp seed oil. The laws and regulations surrounding the production of hemp products are continuously changing and it is important to understand each of them. Since the legalization of hemp-derived products in the United States, CBD hemp extract and other hemp products have become readily available in dispensaries across the country.

CBD hemp extracts are made from the industrial hemp plant, the non-psychoactive variety of the Cannabis Sativa. The THC level is undetectable in the plant and the products made from it are also non-psychoactive.

CBD Hemp Extract & Hemp Seed Oil: Differences

CBD Hemp Extract

  • It is extracted from stalks, flowers, and leaves of the hemp plant.
  • The high-pressure extraction method is used to produce CBD hemp extract.
  • CBD hemp extract contains terpenes, phytocannabinoids, flavonoids, and other fatty acids.
  • The amount of THC will be less than 0.3%.

Hemp Seed Oil

  • Hemp seed is made from the dehulled seeds of the hemp plant.
  • It is extracted using the cold press method.
  • Hemp seed oil does not contain CBD.
  • It contains omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids and also oleic acid, stearidonic acid, and gamma-linolenic acid.
  • Trace amounts of THC are present in hemp seed oil.

Benefits Of CBD Hemp Extract

When you use CBD hemp extract, it interacts with the network of neurons in our body called the endocannabinoid system. This interaction helps in stimulating many body functions like mood, pain perception, appetite, sleep, etc.

The phytocannabinoids and all the other essential compounds present in the CBD hemp extract work together in our body to provide a whole-body benefit and help to maintain homeostasis. There are several CBD hemp extract products available in the market that helps to take their full benefits into the body. They are CBD hemp extract oils, CBD hemp extract capsules, CBD hemp extract sprays, CBD hemp extract balms, CBD hemp extract gummies, etc.

All these products are helpful in alleviating many of the health problems that affect the human body. The nutrient profile in the hemp extract is very beneficial in maintaining your heart and skin health. Moreover, the fatty acids present in the CBD hemp extract nourish the skin and prevents inflammation and oxidation. The CBD hemp extract is also helpful in lowering high blood pressure and controlling cholesterol levels in heart patients.