Is It Safe To Mix CBD With Other Medications?

Use CBD Products
Use CBD Products
Use CBD Products
Use CBD Products

CBD is typically harmless, according to research, and does not have many adverse effects. It seems to have a few side effects, but they are small. There is one caution, though: it has the potential to interfere with some drugs. And it has a lot to do with how the body breaks down various chemicals. Therefore, before you try CBD, speak to a doctor about any supplements, vitamins, or prescriptions you’re currently taking.

CBD’s Interaction With Other Mediations

Drugs That The Liver Breaks Down

CBD interacts with other medicines processed by the liver, such as blood thinners, antidepressants, seizure medicines, and so on, because it is broken down by the liver as well. A group of liver enzymes known as CYP450 is responsible for metabolizing about 60% of all drugs available. These are also the enzymes that metabolize CBD, which is a coincidence.

Sedative Herbs And Supplements

CBD has the potential to make you drowsy or sleepy. It may cause excessive drowsiness if combined with other vitamins or herbs that have the same effect. Kava, California poppy, catnip, skullcap, and other vitamins and herbs are among them.

Drugs With Grapefruit Warnings

CBD is able to engage with medicines that have grapefruit warnings. Even when you’re on one of these medications, your doctor is likely to devise a therapy plan that allows you to use CBD products while being constantly supervised.

Is It Safe To Take CBD Along With Other Medications?

If you wish to try CBD to boost your existing treatment to relieve symptoms of a specific ailment, consult a doctor beforehand. Always get medical advice before taking any action. Your doctor may be able to establish whether CBD is safe and effective with your existing medication and prescribe dosage and plan for you to follow. If your doctor has told you it’s fine, don’t quit taking your existing medication to try CBD.

Look Out For Side Effects

If you’re on medicine and would like to try CBD, be alert to changes in how CBD or your medications affects you. Diarrhea, lethargy, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc. are some of the side effects to keep an eye on. Epidiolex is the one and only CBD medication currently approved by the FDA, and it is only available with a prescription.