Is CBD Oil Useful For Treating The Symptoms Of Shingles?

CBD For Inflammation
CBD For Inflammation
CBD Oil And Shingles
CBD Oil And Shingles

Cannabidiol (CBD) products like CBD oil and creams are mainly popular for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. When you ingest CBD, it gives systemic relief from the symptoms of an ailment, and it gives quick localized relief when you apply it topically. Here, we will investigate how beneficial CBD oil is in the treatment of shingles.

Understanding Shingles

Shingles are caused by the chickenpox virus, i.e. varicella-zoster. After you get cured of the disease, the virus remains in the nerve cells of the central nervous system in a dormant state. However, in some people, the virus gets activated due to reduced immunity and causes shingles. It is mainly characterized by rashes and severe neuropathic pain. Furthermore, there is no effective treatment for shingles, and most of them focus on reducing the severity of symptoms.

Symptoms Of Shingles

Generally, the first symptom of shingles is severe pain with a burning sensation in a part of the body. Also, people mistake it for pain due to other conditions like lung or kidney issues. This is followed by other symptoms like fever, headache, light sensitivity, abdominal pain, and fatigue. Another health issue experienced by people suffering from shingles is post-herpetic neuralgia. Here, the pain continues in the area after the shingles rashes have healed, and this is attributed to nerve damage. It can lead to other conditions like depression and sleeping disorders due to severe pain.

CBD Oil And Shingles

CBD oil is useful for treating the symptoms of shingles due to its therapeutic and medical effects, but you must know that it cannot cure the condition. Also, CBD is useful for treating neuropathic pain from post-herpetic neuralgia due to its effective analgesic effect. Apart from this, applying CBD oil or topical products like creams and balms made using it is useful for healing the rashes due to shingles, and this also reduces the chances of nerve damage. Many anecdotal pieces of evidence show that CBD products can be helpful in relieving the problem of shingles to an extent.

Oral consumption of CBD oil helps to calm down and relax as it reduces the severity of the symptoms due to shingles. This is also due to cannabidiol’s anxiolytic and stress-reducing effects. These are the major ways in which CBD oil is useful for treating shingles.