How Do Phytocannabinoids And Terpenes Differ?

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Terpenes are several herbs’ components that contribute to each of those plants’ smells. Producers add terpenes to several goods that we regularly use, like body products, perfumes, and even food items. Hemp and marijuana are two of the herbs that contain terpenes. There may be some similarities between these and cannabinoids, but there are also distinctions between both. Read on to know those differences, plus some pieces of information on CBD terpenes effects.

In What Way Are Terpenes Different From Phytocannabinoids?

The word ‘cannabinoids’ refers to chemical compounds of various Cannabaceae plants. Phytocannabinoids like THC make cannabinoid receptors situated in the body active, thus creating the ‘high’ sensation in marijuana users.

CBD is a different phytocannabinoid, with medicinal effects. CBD can act on a few of the bodily receptors, but it creates no sense of euphoria, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol.

Most terpenes contribute to the aroma of a few animal compounds and almost every plant. Besides, some terpenes can also affect the human endocannabinoid system similarly to phytocannabinoids. The key distinction between these two components is in how the body takes in and utilizes them.

What Effects Do Terpenes Have On Users?

Many of the substances are potentially bioactive, meaning these can impact the body. The above-mentioned effect can vary by the terpene content as well as in what way an individual uses the substance.

Terpenes have vibrant smells, so these act as the foundation of several essential oils. For the same reason, terpenes are involved in numerous alternative therapies, like aromatherapy to name one. Inhaling the aromas of essential oils and a few plants can affect your stress levels and mood.

Some individuals feel that terpenes would help to increase the effect that one gets from all cannabis compounds.

Some studies back up those CBD terpene’s benefits or effects. As per a review featured in the Frontiers in Neurology journal, epileptics who used an extract rich in cannabidiol improved their symptoms, with fewer secondary effects than what purified CBD users experienced. The above-mentioned indicates that the non-CBD cannabis compounds, like terpenes, can affect how our body uses cannabidiol.

There is much research about isolated terpenes, including some used medically. As per a study featured in the Chemico-Biological Interactions journal, several terpenes have shown that they could positively impact the body, plus could work as an alternative treatment option.