A Comparison Between CBD Cream And CBD Oil For Back Pain


Cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, is a new and relatively understudied treatment for pain, including back pain. Studies suggest that it may help relieve inflammation, which is often a factor in chronic back pain.

Facts About CBD

CBD is available in many forms; topical creams and gels have shown promising results for inflammation and neuropathy, which may make them a good option for back and neck pain.

More research and studies are required in order to prove the effectiveness of CBD as well as to better understand the potential side effects (especially long-term) and potential drug interactions.

CBD oil is derived from a plant called cannabis sativa. The plant has over 100 chemical compounds, called cannabinoids, that have a range of effects, including anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain relieving) qualities. The cannabis sativa plant has two main varieties that are grown for specific purposes.

One is THC content and the other is Industrial (non-drug) uses. The hemp form of the plant contains trace amounts of THC (less than .03%) and can be used to make paper, clothing, and some building material. While CBD is present in both varieties, many of the CBD products available to consumers are from the hemp plant. CBD does not come with the high or psychogenic effects of marijuana.

Research indicates that CBD may reduce back pain by:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Combating anxiety, often associated with long-lasting or chronic back pain
  • Helping with sleep and improving the overall state of relaxation

Some studies suggest that CBD can have an effect on how an individual perceives pain, but more robust research is needed. CBD is generally considered a full-body treatment, which means that it does not target back pain specifically—except in the case of topical products—but contributes to an overall feeling of relaxation and pain relief.

Chronic Pain Coping Techniques – Pain Management

Advocates of CBD believe it can be used to treat a range of conditions in addition to back pain, such as anxiety-related disorders.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of CBD

Cannabidiol, even in high amounts, is generally safe. Side effects from CBD may include:



-Dry mouth

-Low blood pressure

-More severe side effects, while rare, include:

-Mental confusion




When used in proper dosages, together with traditional treatment plans, CBD can help relieve back pain.