How To Reduce Your Cannabis Tolerance?

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Reduce Cannabis Tolerance
Reduce Cannabis Tolerance

If you are a cannabis user that suddenly started feeling that your regular dose of THC-rich cannabis is not working for you anymore, it must be because you have developed tolerance to it. When you develop tolerance to a drug, your body will not respond to the drug in the way it did earlier and the same dose that worked for you earlier will become insufficient. You are then forced to increase the dosage.

On developing tolerance, the associated costs of cannabis use increase. Developing cannabis tolerance is especially problematic to people who take it for medicinal purposes.

How Does Cannabis Tolerance Develop?

Cannabis tolerance develops in regular cannabis users. THC in cannabis generates its effects in our body by interacting with the CB1 receptors of the endocannabinoid system. Constant cannabis use leads to excessive THC in our system and the CB1 receptors become desensitized. The desensitization of the receptors raises our tolerance levels.

Internalization is another process that contributes to tolerance to THC. With regular use of cannabis, some of the CB1 receptors are pulled into the interior of the cells from their surface. The internalized CB1 receptors do not respond to drugs anymore. However, desensitized CB1 receptors can be made responsive (to a lower degree) again by taking some remedial measures.

The frequency of cannabis use, your personal biology, and the strength of the cannabis products you take are all critical in deciding your cannabis tolerance levels.

How To Lower Your Cannabis Tolerance?

Here are some methods to reduce cannabis tolerance.

Take A T Break

Taking a break from cannabis use is one of the most efficient ways to lower your cannabis tolerance. The breaks are often referred to as T breaks.

From what is known from research, THC receptors recover overtime to their previous levels. A T break is the recovery period of THC receptors in our system.

The length of the T break is your discretion as there is no conclusive evidence on the right length of time of a T break. You will have to do some experimentation to figure out the length of the T break that works well to lower your tolerance levels.

Many online forums recommend taking a T break of two weeks.

Use CBD To Reduce Cannabis Tolerance

CBD is a cannabinoid that offers various therapeutic benefits like THC but it does not give the users a high. When you practice cannabinoid cycling, you take occasional breaks from THC and use CBD during the period. It is especially beneficial to people that experience very strong withdrawal symptoms when they abstain from THC.

Go For Cannabis Products With A Higher CBD To THC Ratio 

CBD offers various therapeutic effects by interacting with the endocannabinoid system and its receptors. However, the interaction isn’t the same way as that of THC.  Although you could develop CBD tolerance too, it does not work the same way as you develop THC tolerance.

CBD is much effective in assuring pain-relief and inflammation-relief. It offers many other health benefits as well. Cannabis products with ratios ranging from 1:1 to 16:1 are available at cannabis dispensaries.

Control Your Dosage

The likelihood of developing cannabis tolerance is directly related to the cannabis dosage you take. The lesser cannabis you use, the fewer chances for developing tolerance. Take the dosage that is required to make you feel relaxed, and do not take a higher dose.

Use cannabis less frequently 

The frequency of your cannabis use is equally important as your dosage. The more often you use cannabis, the more likely you develop tolerance to it. Using cannabis less frequently can help reset your tolerance levels and prevent the chances of developing tolerance in the future.

Withdrawal Symptoms During A T Break 

Regular cannabis users often experience a host of cannabis withdrawal symptoms when they reduce their dosage or take a T break.

Cannabis withdrawal symptoms aren’t as intense as alcohol withdrawal symptoms but they will still make you uncomfortable.

Some of the cannabis withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • insomnia
  • cognitive issues

You may use over-the-counter medications to handle symptoms like nausea and headache. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is very important, especially when you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Generally, cannabis withdrawal symptoms do not last more than 72 hours.

How To Stop Developing Cannabis Tolerance Again?

Even after you reset your cannabis tolerance levels, you may grow tolerant to it again. Here are some tips that can help you prevent it from happening:

  • Take lower THC products: THC depletes your CB1 receptors. Go for cannabis products with a lower THC concentration.
  • Use cannabis less frequently
  • Go for a lower dosage
  • Consider taking CBD

Bringing some discipline to your cannabis routine and controlling your dosage can contribute to lowering your tolerance levels.