Does CBD Oil Have An Expiry Date?

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CBD Treatment for Epilepsy
Shelf Life Of CBD Oil
Shelf Life Of CBD Oil

The CBD industry has been rising exponentially in the past few years. This growth is mainly because of people’s realization of the health benefits offered by this cannabinoid compound. Today, we know that CBD is one of the most effective natural remedies for a number of health disorders, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, epilepsy, skin problems, arthritis, nausea, etc.

The manufacturing process of high-quality CBD products is very hard and therefore they are very expensive. That means you need them to last as long as possible if you are using CBD products for the treatment of many chronic conditions. Most often you may use a bottle of CBD oil for months or even a year and a half. An important question will naturally arise, “when will CBD oil expires?”

What Is The Shelf Life Of CBD Oil?

Most people have questions about the longevity of CBD oil when they buy a CBD product. According to the experts, CBD oil can last from 14 months to 2 years. This mainly depends on how the CBD product is stored. The two main factors that can compromise the potency of CBD before its expiration date are direct sunlight and intense heat.

If the CBD product you have bought is of high quality, it tends to last longer than most other CBD products that are of average quality. Studies have shown that pure CBD oil products have a longer shelf life than other CBD products that contain flavored oils. The added ingredients in these products have their own shelf life that might be shorter than that of CBD oil.

Another important factor that determines the expiration date of a CBD product is the extraction process that was used to make that particular product. According to most cannabis experts, the best extraction method that also ensures a longer shelf life for CBD is the CO2 extraction method. Studies have shown that most of the other extraction methods can destabilize the cannabis compounds and lower the quality of the final product.

Does CBD Oil Go Bad?

The answer to that question is yes, the CBD oil can go bad if it is kept for more than 2 years or stored in a hot place, or kept directly below the sunlight. If the CBD oil goes bad, it might not provide many therapeutic benefits. An unpleasant aroma or flavor is the first indication that your CBD oil has gone bad. The CBD oil will also turn cloudy when it is stored for more than 2 years.