Turmeric And Cannabidiol CBD Combination For Pain Relief

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The reason for the rising popularity of cannabidiol CBD products is due to their anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. This has made it a major ingredient in pain-relieving creams. People are using CBD to treat muscle and joint pains, inflammations, and swellings, headaches, skin conditions, etc. CBD topicals offer immediate localized relief, soothing effects and are a popular option among customers because of their herbal origin. Having said that, studies have shown that turmeric which has good anti-inflammatory and antibiotic qualities when combined with CBD provides enhanced pain relief when used together in topical creams. You must be wondering how? Read on to know more.

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric has got medicinal properties. So it has been a major ingredient in many oriental medicines. It is traditionally used by East Asians as part of their skincare treatments because of its anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. Besides, it is being increasingly used as a major ingredient in much organic health and wellness supplement products. Its medical benefits are due to the active ingredient curcumin which is extensively studied to identify its other potential benefits. Apart from this, turmeric is rich in vitamins and minerals making it useful in improving overall health when ingested daily in smaller quantities.

CBD For Pain Relief

CBD is useful for pain relief when ingested as well as applied as a topical; the former gives whole body relief, whereas the latter provides localized relief. This is because of its effect on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) by influencing CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, it is used by arthritic patients to manage inflammations and chronic pain. This helps them in slowing the damage caused to bones by the disease.

Combining Turmeric And CBD

By combining the therapeutic analgesic effect of turmeric and CBD in pain-relieving creams, you get much better relief. Also, chemically they are oil soluble and hence easily mixes in carrier oils making them apt complementary compounds. Studies have shown that the active compound of turmeric curcumin is better than CBD in preventing chronic pain while cannabidiol is good at reducing symptoms like inflammations. So, when used together they are effective in mitigating chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Last but not least, the minerals found in turmerics like iron and phosphorus are good for maintaining muscle and joint health when used on a long-term basis.

Apart from offering pain relief, the combination of turmeric and CBD can be used for wound healing because of the antibacterial properties. Also, there are added benefits like cooling effect, skin-soothing, moisturizing and nourishing when used as a topical. See other ways that CBD topicals can provide pain relief here!